
I am a web developer currently living in Toronto, Canada. With over 10 years of web design and development, I develop sites that are both remarkably beautiful and functional.
Tips for upgrading ACF Blocks to block.json Featured Image

Tips for upgrading ACF Blocks to block.json

Since the introduction of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) 6.0, you should be registering blocks using the newer block.json method instead of using the legacy acf_register_block_type() function. It’s not required to convert your legacy ACF blocks to block.json. Using block.json can come with benefits such as performance improvements and the ability to take advantage of newer […]

3 min read
Responsive Google Slides & YouTube Embeds with CSS Featured Image
Code Snippets

Responsive Google Slides & YouTube Embeds with CSS

Here’s a simple way using only CSS to make your Google Slides & YouTube/Vimeo embeds look great on your website. The Solution Add the following CSS to your website. These CSS selectors will target any iFrame’s with the domains of,, and and make them responsive with the aspect ratio of 16 / […]

1 min read