MomentoPress – 360° VR photos in WordPress

MomentoPress is a free WordPress plugin for displaying 360° VR photos and videos uploaded to Momento360.

Feel free to contact me if you use MomentoPress in one of your websites.


  • Very easy and simple to use
  • View 360° VR photos uploaded to Momento360
  • Works with computers, tablets, smartphones
  • Compatible with Google Cardboard
  • It’s responsive!


Getting started

  1. Upload a 360° VR image or video to Momento360.
  2. Get the share link to the image on Momento360.
  3. Paste the share link in the url parameter of the [momentopress] shortcode.

Shortcode Example

[[momentopress url=]]

Shortcode Parameters

url – The share link to the 360° VR image or video on Momento360


Easy Installation

  1. Search for MomentoPress for Momento360 via the Plugins > Add New screen in the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click the Install Now button.
  3. Click the Activate button

Manual Installation

  1. Search and download MomentoPress for Momento360 via the WordPress Plugin Directory.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
  3. Upload the plugin directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation.
  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu the WordPress dashboard.